8 Ways to Reduce Internet-Fueled FOMO at Work

Beneath its trendy “FOMO” acronym, “Fear Of Missing Out” might mask destructive beliefs that ripple over to your emotional wellbeing. New research from the University of Nottingham discovered FOMO in the digital workspace can increase anxiety and stress, posing a risk to mental health. The revealing study found employees afraid of missing crucial information—who were … Read more

How Dominic Farrell Reinvented the ‘47 Sports Brand

When Boston native Dominic Farrell was approached to take a leadership role at ‘47 in September 2020, the sports lifestyle brand was navigating a turbulent period. COVID-19 had swept the sportswear business into rocky waters, casting doubt on the company’s future. Many employees had been furloughed, and with the looming threat of going out of … Read more

Feeling Overwhelmed & How To Deal With It

It’s an average Tuesday afternoon: you have two kids who need to be at football and drama practices miles apart. You also have a client who won’t stop emailing revisions to a presentation that was due last week. On top of it all, your car is making a weird clanging noise and your dog has … Read more

Outsmarting a Narcissist at the Office

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance and entitlement, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others, according to Mayo Clinic. Narcissists seek attention and feel superior, and they often have fantasies of power, beauty or success. They take advantage of others; they feel … Read more