Financial Literacy For Kids: Teaching Money Skills

Financial literacy for kids is more important than ever in today’s turbulent economic environment. Early financial education lays the groundwork for solid financial habits that will benefit children throughout their lives.  By introducing basic money management concepts early, parents and educators can help kids develop the skills they need to confidently navigate financial challenges down … Read more

How Slowing Down Helped Me Reclaim My Dreams

“For fast acting relief, try slowing down.” ~Lily Tomlin “Are you the owner?” asks, well, yet another customer at our local Italian eatery. “Nope—I’m just old!” I reply, all sheepish but pleased. It’s true. At fifty, I’m not exactly your classic, college-struggling part-timer. Actually, I’m the oldest employee at our restaurant—the staff “mom,” if you will. … Read more

A Day in the Life of David Brownlee

When your success comes from others’ success, there’s no such thing as a typical day. Nobody knows that better than David Brownlee, one of the country’s leading business coaches. His work with companies like McDonald’s, Amazon, HP, CVS, Google and more happens behind the scenes. But his fingerprints are all over the steps those brands … Read more

TikTok Faces Multiple Lawsuits Over Harmfulness to Youth

Over a dozen U.S. states have sued TikTok, arguing that the platform’s addictive algorithm is driving a mental health crisis among children and teens. A bipartisan group of 14 attorneys general is alleging that the Chinese social media platform is responsible for purposely making the app more addictive and misleading users on its safety.  “TikTok … Read more

5 Escapes Honoring Indigenous Peoples’ Day

This year, many states have opted to honor Indigenous Peoples’ Day over the problematic Columbus Day. These destinations offer visitors an authentic way to experience other cultures and leave the holiday weekend with an open mind and fascinating stories to share. 1. Hôtel-Musée Premières Nations — Wendake, Quebec, Canada This boutique hotel, combined with a … Read more

Is Your Coping Mechanism Healthy?

We can all struggle with how to cope at certain times. Whether it’s being stressed about meeting deadlines at work or dealing with a child’s illness, life can take its toll. Factors like your environment and childhood experiences affect how you deal with stressors. Understanding your coping mechanisms can help you understand yourself better. It can … Read more

What the Science of Sales Means for Entrepreneurs

Can your DNA really determine how good you are at sales? According to a study by MIT Sloan’s Juanjuan Zhang and her team, the answer might be yes. They tracked 117 salespeople at an Asian telemarketing company over 13 months and compared DNA to sales performance using metrics like revenue, spotting opportunities and effort. The … Read more

Spotify Keeps Its Work-From-Anywhere Policy

Spotify prefers to keep its employees enjoying an ultra-flexible work setup, despite the recent shift at many other companies demanding their work-from-home employees head back to the office. The Swiss firm’s HR chief has even doubled down on why the streamer wants its staff to continue with their current work dynamic, even though we’re already … Read more

Should You Buy Gold And Platinum Bars From Costco?

Amid the unstable economic climate, Costco has diversified its product lineup, giving shoppers the opportunity to purchase gold and platinum bars in addition to groceries and household items. And if the latest estimated sales figures are an accurate predictor, it seems the demand for these precious metals could soar even higher in the coming weeks. … Read more