EUR/CHF Sentiment Analysis

EUR/CHF Trader Positions

Source: DailyFX

Retail Sentiment Overview

Currently, 49.76% of traders hold a net-long position in EUR/CHF, resulting in a nearly balanced short to long ratio of 1.01 to 1. Since April 11, 2024, when EUR/CHF was near 0.98, traders have shifted to a net-short stance. Despite this shift, the price has increased by 0.26%.

Compared to yesterday, the quantity of net-long traders has decreased by 10.82%, and by 21.37% from last week. Conversely, net-short positions have grown by 10.05% since yesterday and 2.46% over the last week.

Market Implication

The prevailing sentiment among traders is net-short, suggesting potential upward movement in EUR/CHF prices. We maintain a contrarian perspective regarding crowd sentiment.

Given the current positioning and recent shifts, our analysis supports a stronger bullish outlook for EUR/CHF.

The post EUR/CHF Sentiment Analysis appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


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