I recently received a LinkedIn message from someone who knew me during my high school years congratulating me on my personal and professional achievements. However, their surprise was evident: “Wow, when did this ambitious side of you kick in? Who would have thought?” My reaction was a mix of pride and offense.
Reflecting on those years, it’s hard not to see my past self through the lens of who I am today—influenced by years of experience, development and learned lessons. I’ve always thought of myself as ambitious, driven for success and committed to growth. But clearly, to others, there was a profound shift somewhere along the way, worthy of deeper exploration.
Revisiting memory lane has been uncomfortable, even painful and shameful at times. It’s true that my environment, social groups and activities back then weren’t indicators of future promise. My limiting beliefs and behaviors could have led me down a vastly different path in life.
So, what happens in that moment when your intuition, your destiny, pulls you onto the right path? It’s not just about changing external circumstances, but fundamentally altering your internal landscape—your thoughts, beliefs, habits and perspectives. This can only be defined as transformation: an evolution that touches every aspect of our being, from how we see ourselves to how we interact with the world around us.
As much as I try, I haven’t been able to pinpoint a specific event that catalyzed this change in me. I know I always desired more and better—just as I do today. My life has been full of transformative moments. A journey of growth and discovery, with opportunities for evolution at every turn. And as I continue to evolve, I’m reminded that the journey of transformation is not just my past; it’s my present and my future. I’m filled with gratitude and eagerly anticipate the growth that’s yet to come.
Photo credit: ©Mike D’Avello