55 Spring Quotes To Celebrate A New Season

Spring is a season of transformation—it symbolizes rejuvenation, new life, new beginnings and endless opportunities. It’s the time of year when nature begins to bloom, the air feels fresher and everyone feels inspired and energized. 

Spring paints the earth with a breathtaking palette of colors, infusing warmth and life into every corner of nature. As the earth renews itself, this season brings a sense of optimism and hope, encouraging people to clear out clutter, set new goals and embrace change.

To celebrate the vibe of this colorful new season, we’ve compiled 55 happy, motivational, witty and positive spring quotes. Let these springtime sayings inspire you to embrace joy and remind you of the freshness, warmth and beauty of the world.

Inspirational Spring Quotes to Embrace Hope & Joy

Whether through the refreshing air, blooming flowers, sense of serenity or gentle warmth of the sun, spring encourages individuals to believe in endless opportunities. Here are some spring and hope quotes that will help you embrace joy with an open heart.

  • “A flower blossoms for its own joy.” —Oscar Wilde
  • “Don’t you know what that is? It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want—oh, you don’t quite know what it is you DO want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!” —Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer, Detective
  • “The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.”—Henry Van Dyke, Fisherman’s Luck
  • “Every spring is the only spring, a perpetual astonishment.” —Ellis Peters, The Summer of the Danes 
  • “If people did not love each other, I really do not see what use there would be in having any springtime; and for my own part, I should pray the good God to shut up all the beautiful things that he shows us, and to take away from us and put back in his box, the flowers, the birds and the pretty maidens.” —Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
  • “If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” —Anne Bradstreet, The Works of Anne Bradstreet
  • “Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat. In our mad rush for progress and modern improvements, let’s be sure we take along with us all the old-fashioned things worthwhile.” —Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Family Collection

Related: 75 Joy Quotes That Will Brighten Your Day and Lift Your Spirit

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Quotes About Spring to Welcome All The Season Brings

Spring is a symbol of fresh beginnings, change and growth. The following springtime motivational quotes convey a sense of finding joy in every moment and stepping into the future with a positive outlook. Spring is coming; quotes are one way to get excited about the season and all it brings. 

  • “Spring is the time to find out where you are, who you are, and move toward where you are going.” —Penelope Trunk
  • “I suppose the best kind of spring morning is the best weather God has to offer.” —Dodie Smith, I Capture the Castle
  • “Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love.” —Sitting Bull
  • “Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil.” —Reginald Heber
“Sweet spring, full of sweet days and roses.” —George HerbertPin it
  • “Sweet spring, full of sweet days and roses.” “Sweet spring, full of sweet days and roses.” —George Herbert, Virtue
  • “Spring won’t let me stay in this house any longer! I must get out and breathe the air deeply again.” —Gustav Mahler
  • “It’s spring again. I can hear the birds sing again. See the flowers start to bud. See young people fall in love.” —Lou Rawls
  • “Spring fever, spring is here at last. Spring fever, my heart’s beating fast. Get up, get out. Spring is everywhere.” —Elvis Presley
  • “I am going to try to pay attention to the spring. I am going to look around at all the flowers, and look up at the hectic trees. I am going to close my eyes and listen.” —Anne Lamott, Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith

Short & Witty Spring Sayings to Brighten Your Day 

Spring is the perfect time to inject some cheer, lightheartedness and character into your space. These short, witty spring letterboard quotes can make your letterboard the highlight of the season, bringing a cheerful smile to everyone’s face with a mere glance.

  • “It’s SPRING—time to chase your dreams!”
  • “Spring and sunshine make everything better.”
  • “Fresh air, fresh blooms and fresh vibes.”
  • “Blooming flowers are nature’s form of reflecting love and kindness.”
“Spring is here. Stop and feel the new beginnings.”Pin it
  • “Spring is here. Stop and feel the new beginnings.”
  • “Spring has arrived—let the blooming begin!”
  • “Let the lively shades of spring fill your soul with joy and positivity.”
  • “Just like plants, we need sunshine to reset, refresh and grow.”
  • “Spring and greenery bring out the best in you.”

Related: Inspirational Quotes to Help You Refocus and Renew

“Happy Spring” Quotes to Share With Friends & Family

Hello, Spring! Quotes about the season can bring a smile to anyone’s face. Send a text or share a saying on a social media post to bring friends and family a ray of sunshine. After all, sharing cute spring quotes with your loved ones can spread the warmth and uplifting vibes of this beautiful season. Here are some happy spring quotes to share with your family and friends as the weather warms up.

  • “Where flowers bloom, so does hope.” —Lady Bird Johnson
  • “If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” —Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • “Flowers are the music of the ground. From earth’s lips spoken without sound.” —Edwin Curran, Flowers
“Spring is the time of plans and projects.” —Leo TolstoyPin it
  • “Spring is the time of plans and projects.” —Leo Tolstoy 
  • “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.” —Alfred Lord Tennyson
  • “Spring’s greatest joy beyond a doubt is when it brings the children out.” —Edgar A. Guest
  • “I want to do to you what spring does with the cherry trees.” —Pablo Neruda
  • “The spring wakes us, nurtures us and revitalizes us. How often does your spring come? If you are a prisoner of the calendar, it comes once a year. If you are creating authentic power, it comes frequently, or very frequently.” —Gary Zukav

Related: 100 Uplifting Quotes About New Beginnings For Your Fresh Start

Positive Spring Quotes to Embrace Change

Spring marks an incredible shift in the season, bringing fresh starts and new opportunities with it. Let’s embrace the season of positive change and renewal with these inspiring “welcome spring” quotes.

  • “You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.” —Marianne Williamson
  • “We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. / The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come. / If we fix on the old we get stuck. When we hang onto any form, we are in danger of putrefaction. / Hell is life drying up. / The Hoarder, the one in us that wants to keep, to hold on, must be killed. / If we are hanging onto the form now, we’re not going to have the form next. / You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. / Destruction before creation.” —Joseph Campbell, A Joseph Campbell Companion
  • “We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise, we harden.” —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“The best way to renew thought is to go outside the human imagination.” —Bernard Werber, Empire of the AntsPin it
  • “The best way to renew thought is to go outside the human imagination.” —Bernard Werber, Empire of the Ants
  • “The self-renewing man never feels that he has ‘arrived.’” —John W. Gardner, Commitment and Meaning
  • “In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” —Margaret Atwood, Bluebeard’s Egg
  • “What’s so fascinating and frustrating and great about life is that you’re constantly starting over, all the time, and I love that.” —Billy Crystal

Beautiful Spring Quotes to Inspire Resilience

Spring and resilience go hand in hand. This season reminds us that just like the earth bounces back from the cold, harsh weather every year, we too can thrive and bloom after challenges. Check out these spring inspirational quotes in this section that can motivate you to grow and be resilient.

  • “You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming.” —Pablo Neruda
  • “Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’” —Robin Williams
  • “Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.” —Ralph Marston
  • “Genius is the ability to renew one’s emotions in daily experience.” —Paul Cezanne
“I can hardly wait for tomorrow, it means a new life for me each and every day.” —Stanley KunitzPin it
  • “I can hardly wait for tomorrow, it means a new life for me each and every day.” —Stanley Kunitz
  • “Each day the world is born anew for him who takes it rightly.” —James Russell Lowell
  • “The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.” —Harriet Ann Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
  • “That is one good thing about this world… there are always sure to be more springs.” —L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea 

Famous Phrases About Spring to Motivate You All Season  

As you enter spring each year, make the most out of the refreshing air and vibrant energy around you. These famous quotes about spring will inspire you to celebrate change, set new goals and overcome challenges throughout the season with a positive mindset.

  • “The world’s favorite season is spring. All things seem possible in May.” —Edwin Way Teale, A Walk Through the Year 
  • “Spring is the time of year when it is summer in the sun and winter in the shade.” —Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
  • “Spring is a true reconstructionist.” —Henry Timrod
“A little madness in the Spring is wholesome even for the King.” —Emily DickinsonPin it
  • “A little madness in the Spring is wholesome even for the King.” —Emily Dickinson
  • “In spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.” —Mark Twain
  • “There is no time like Spring, when life’s alive in everything.” —Christina Rossetti
  • “April… hath put a spirit of youth in everything.” —William Shakespeare
  • “Just as spring brings life to flowers and the moon moves tides on the shores, nothing is simply chance. Everything happens for a reason. Everything is a routine.” —Simeon Ivanov, 0.1%: Join The Club of The Richest, Healthiest, Happiest

Spring: A Time For Renewal, New Beginnings & Endless Potential

Spring is a season filled with rejuvenation, hope, optimism and new beginnings. From quotes about spring flowers to sayings that help us celebrate the first day of spring, fun phrases and powerful words about the season can lift us up. The above spring quotes can serve as a beautiful reminder that this season is all about a fresh start, nurturing your dreams and bringing new adventures into your life. Let these inspiring words and the optimistic energy of the season guide you toward happiness, growth and success.

Photo by New Africa/shutterstock.com


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